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The Power of Content Personalization and AI

In Consulting Services, Thought Leadership

No two personalization solutions should be created alike. Each merchant’s specific brand and offerings all contribute to a personalized content recommendation solution that will capture your exclusive market position. Great content personalization solutions embody the connection between the customer and the product. The ideal sell is made by identifying the customer’s needs and desires to fulfill them with products, services, or content.
Woman Using AI on Laptop

Virtually every possible artificial intelligence tool, technology, and technique can find a place within content personalization and content recommendation; the designs can go down quite a rabbit hole. The personalization solution could start with a collaborative filtering foundation and evolve to include sophisticated NLP, voice and emotion recognition, and real-time vision techniques. These solutions may start with a simple eCommerce website, but the latest AI technology for content personalization will incorporate a digitized physical space. The future of walking shopping mall is becoming virtual, and some retailers have already started down this path with new AI-powered programs.
AI Powered Robot
Personalization solutions imply that they need to be designed by a team of experienced artificial intelligence experts in collaboration with the visionary leadership of a merchant company. The approach begins with a company’s holistic vision for the future beyond the pandemic. Where the company creates experiences that customers will expect and enjoy, all within the context of state-of-the-art content recommendation solutions. The next step towards actualization is building the foundation.
If your company knows you need an AI strategy (and most do) but are unsure how to begin, content personalization solutions are a great way to start. Personalization solutions are a good entry point into artificial intelligence because they are not complex to implement. The sooner you begin, the sooner you can get ahead of the competition and start driving business to your website with your content personalization solution.
Content Recommendtion Charts and Graphs on Tablet

The Ethical Implications of Content Personalization

Personalized content has undeniable benefits for your company, like higher conversion rates and better leads, but that power comes at a cost. Consider the trouble Facebook encountered in recent years with its content personalization algorithms. Government regulators cited Facebook many times for creating dark echo chambers of opinion or serving biased advertisements to users. As if the expense of government regulation and potential litigation isn’t enough of a financial impact, major advertising customers like Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, and Starbucks have suspended campaigns on the social networking platform in recent periods.
Google faced so much pressure around the ethical considerations of their AI portfolio that they established a dedicated Ethics Board to regulate the application of these technologies. Although they swiftly canceled the board a week after it formed. It is clear that the ethical implications of content personalization and artificial intelligence must be considered every step of the way throughout its design.
For more on artificial intelligence, check out our article on how AI has impacted the eCommerce industry during the global pandemic.
Contact Crayon to discuss the possibility of practically implementing AI-driven customer experiences and discover your unique content personalization solution to improve conversions and ROI.

Jason Ferrell - AI Advisor

Working to found and scale the AI consulting practice in the US for Crayon.